29th a Leap Year Day
February 29 is the extra day that comes to us every four years to balance out the inaccuracy of the calendar. The number 2 and 9 reduce to 11, the number of awakening and balance between the dualistic masculine and feminine energies. 11 reduces to a 2 which is the number of intuition or knowing. Today is a wonderful day to meditate, journal, walk with nature, and delve deep to talk to your Soul/Consciousness. The 2 meanings of angel numbers are about finding balance and harmony in your relationships as well as getting in touch with your specific life path. Today holds the vibration of a spiritually significant day.
Numbers are one way that Spirit can communicate with us. Numbers especially repetitive ones catch our attention. Paying attention to the energies of the vibrational frequency of numbers is how we can interpret, using our intuition, the meaning of the numbers that we see repetitively. Save this site, Angel Numbers for reference.
Our Leap Year day is a great opportunity to use this extra day to go within and seek the information our Soul longs to share while we are here in the physical. What is your Soul trying to say? Create intention and express it into reality. Pick an angel oracle card to ask Spirit what message you need right now for your highest good. Just sit and be a human being. In the being, we can notice Spirit. In the being, we sit in stillness and awareness in our mind. (whispers) Sshhhh! Listen, listen to what Spirit is trying to share with you.